He who can Laugh at himself Laughs Last... The Sikh Psyche
Psyche comes from the Greek psykhe, which means “the soul, mind, spirit, or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body... The Psyche of a Sikh is the unique wiring of his soul, mind, or spirit.
He can Laugh at himself without losing a step and manages to have the last Laugh.
My friend Ramesh Gajanath Rao....a brother officer from my regiment sent this to me...With a few changes and addition of visuals, I am posting it on the blog...I had to share it with you for it is a must read for every Indian.
This is how he began.....The saga of the valiant Sikhs.
“Please find out how you owe a great deal to the Sikhs for our freedom.
You will be inspired by the facts. That’s my guarantee. ............“
Life would be boring without Humour...True. .....
We all crack jokes. True again.
In India, most of the jokes, for some years now are being cracked on the Sikhs...The Sardar jokes.. The list is endless.
Banta Singh-Santa Singh jokes.....
Giani Zail Singh joke...
Baldev Singh jokes, Khalistan jokes.

There are these 12 o'clock jokes...History of this is another story...
Picture yourself as a Sikh and look for an honest response from within yourself. Personalise it...Would you be able to handle these ....day in day out of cracks being taken at you as a soft target by colleagues/ friends/ the unknown person standing next to you.
I have seen puny weaklings ...for that matter anyone and everyone taking the liberty. I know your immediate reaction. "Sure man, it's only a joke." You are absolutely right, it is only a joke. However when a joke enters the bloodstream as a cancerous virus and you get targeted daily, right from your childhood, let me tell you, as much as you believe you can, the fact is you will not be able to handle them.
On the other hand, look at the Sikhs. Have you ever seen anyone of them getting irritated with these digs & cracks on them?
You wouldn't have...
Ever thought why they don't get affected?
Well the answer lies in a couplet by Saint Kabeer :
Kaho Kabir chucha ghat bole.
Bhariya hoe so kabahu na dole.
Says Kabeer, an empty pitcher makes noise. But that which is full makes no sound.
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