Guru Arjan Dev radically changed the entire character of Sikhism.....

Middle of June every year since 1606 , the Sikh Sangat has been observing the martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru. He was the first Martyr in Sikh saga.....It is a fact, that before the arrest, torture and Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev, the ‘Sikhi’ conceptually had nothing to do with weapons or bloodshed or violence of any kind....., as all the Sikh Gurus were spiritual beings and had taught the message of compassion, love, dedication, hard work, worship of one God... ’Ek Onkaar’ and at all times the commitment was to peace and harmony for all the people. Guru Arjan Dev laid the foundation of the Golden Temple.... Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar. He envisaged and deliberately incorporated in design the four doors in the Gurdwara..... With a vision that " My faith is for the people of all castes and all creeds from whichever direction they ...